Let's talk...about how we manage our grasslands and landscape. We want your views about how the grassland in your community should be managed.
Why should we change the way we manage our grasslands?
By agreeing a new way of managing the grassland maintained by the Council we can breathe new life into our grasslands and create more natural landscapes. We can also help meet our targets to cut CO2 emissions by at least 40% compared to a 1990 baseline by 2030
We know the UK has lost 97% of its flower-rich grassland over the past 70 years. This has resulted in a drastic decline of around two thirds of pollinating insects. Fife is the most heavily cultivated region in Scotland so we can make a difference and give our wildlife more of a chance by changing the way we manage our urban green spaces, This is a great opportunity to counter act these declines with your involvement and with your local community.
What are the benefits?
If we reduce intensive grass cutting, we can reduce our carbon emissions by 10%. We can provide more diverse spaces where people and communities can connect with nature, improving our health and wellbeing. We can increase biodiversity by creating healthy habitats for birds, insects and small mammals.
How will the grasslands be managed differently?
The seasonal management of the grasslands will change from intensive grass cutting over the summer months to the steps set out below:
Maps showing proposals for each Ward in Fife and a list of frequently asked questions, can be viewed at
You can share your views through the online feedback form or join in the open discussion (below) between 16 November and 31 December.
Please note that a number of offline methods are also being used to ensure people can have their say. This includes signage at all proposed sites promoting the consultation, posters in community use facilities, and a dedicated phone number for individuals to request paper copies - 01592 583469.
Participate in the debate