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Ending the need for food banks
The Scottish Government has created a draft national plan outlining a vision and approach to ending the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity.
The "Ending the need for food banks: consultation on a draft national plan" can be found at https://www.gov.scot/publications/ending-need-food-banks-consultation-draft-national-plan/
It provides an overview of the work undertaken to date, the policies that drive the work, and how change will be measured. The Plan outlines:
- The challenge of insufficient and insecure incomes, rising cost of living and the loss of income support through Universal Credit cuts, and the loss of furlough.
- The vision of everyone having sufficient and secure income to access food that meets their needs and preferences, co-ordinated local responses to prioritise dignified access to emergency financial assistance and money advice alongside access to holistic support services to reduce future need.
- The prevention through strengthening incomes from fair work, social security and reduced cost of living.
- The response of supporting joined up local responses by promoting emergency financial assistance and money advice alongside holistic support services.
- The plan to explore Minimum Income Guarantee and Universal Basic Services, act on the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, and strengthen the protection of human rights, including the right to food.
- The intended development of investing in a cash first partnership approach, the pilot of shopping vouchers in place of food bank referrals, development of shared values between national food insecurity funders, and work with the Trussell Trust and Independent Food Aid Network to support their food bank transition and exit strategies.
Fife Council would like to make sure your views are reflected in the consultation response. You are invited to feed in your views via this form (https://forms.office.com/r/7fCsvQXx13) or through contributing to the discussion below. Please pass on to anyone else that you think would like to participate.
Responses are required by 11th January 2021 for submitting to the Scottish Government by the deadline of 25th January 2021. If you would like to discuss this in person or find out more, please contact Karen Scott, Community Education Worker (Food Insecurity) on e-mail karen.scott@fife.gov.uk or mobile 07849 309741