Let's Talk about our Fife


Collaborative legislation process

No One Left Behind

2. If employability support is working well in Fife, what would be happening within services and the systems that support them?

Open answers (2)

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  • Auldseacook
    Auldseacook  • 2020-07-02 09:51:31

    A big push to-get the system out there with local employers, ensuring they are fully aware about the program and how they can help people into work.support for the users and the employers. Perhaps a weekly contact with the users for encouragement, advice, updates. For the employers an avenue to feedback to the service, receive updates and awareness of what their new employee can bring to their business not what Difficulties employing someone not at 100% would arise.
    Frequent contact with service users so no one is left to feel they are struggling on alone.

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  • David Scott
    David Scott  • 2020-06-28 01:02:46

    Support them as long as needed. It’s not any good if your going to be training if you stress them out you need to learn there what weaknesses are. They need guidance they need to know how avoid to stressful situations. That why they need advocacy like People First to Learn how to Stand up for There self.

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